Monday, September 7, 2009

RE: Affirmations could be detrimental

According to the latest scientific research 'Affirmations' can actually sabotage your goals. Fighting against the subconscious mind, which is a million times faster than the conscious mind holds its own beliefs about things and it operates habitually and automatically. One needs to updates those beliefs to get better results. It 's like a computer. You can't just talk to a computer and and update its software. So my suggestion is that learn to change your beliefs, not repeat the affirmations. You can easily and effortlessly make your affirmations part of your subconscious mind's programming. I've done lot of research, and have read many books, attended numerous seminars in the past. I was lucky enough to read Dr. Bruce Lipton's book, Biology of Belief' and found out about a process called PSYCH-K. I have been using it for over past 4 years an  teaching to lots of people all over. Amazing results! Check it out on my website:

Friday, July 17, 2009

Manifestation is easy

Do you know that you have the power to change every aspect of your life?